Maria Nila
Education Labs
Maria Nila Education Labs are our fundamental educations gathered in different inspiring concepts for all product lines. In our Education Labs you will get full knowledge of Maria Nila's products! We will guide you through the assortment and give you all the knowledge and inspiration you need to be able to start working with the products in your salon and how you can recommend them to your customers. Our Education Labs provide a unique understanding of areas of use, function, ingredients, and our expert’s best tips on how the products can be used together or separately for best results.
For whom: Maria Nila Education Labs are suitable both for those who have not previously worked with the products and for those who have basic knowledge that needs to be refreshed or is looking to be reinspired
How to book: Education Labs are held online or on site upon request. Please contact your sales representative or to sign up.

Care & Style
MARIA NILA CARE & STYLE LAB is the course that introduces you to our beloved shampoos, treatments & conditioners. We dive into the structure of a hair, important factors such as PH levels and unique benefits of each product.
After this course, you will have expertise in which products you should recommend to your customer!

Style & Finish
MARIA NILA STLYE & FINISH LAB will introduce you to our styling range, teach you about ingredients and what unique benefits each product has.
We present different ways to use the products both individually and how you can mix them together. After the course you will have a good product knowledge and feel inspired to use the products in ways you could not have imagined before.

Colour Refresh
MARIA NILA COLOR REFRESH LAB is an inspiring course where you learn all about our direct colors and which gives you what you need to use the product in your salon.
We start with an in-depth training in facts, ingredients and caring properties while we share our best recipes. You will also be introduced to various areas of use such as color correction, neutralization or pre-treatment!

Bleach Collection
MARIA NILA BLEACH COLLECTION LAB Takes you through Silver Bleach very special properties and gives you full insight into our Balayage Bleach and the outstanding finishing Silver Shot.
In this course, we give you fundamental knowledge in the entire collection and how to think and work to achieve the desired result, and of course we also share our best tips & application techniques!